Dr. Serkan Gürsoy
Founder and Chief Executive Officer.
Gürsoy has, Ph.D in Science and Technology Policy Studies in METU, academic and industrial experience on value creation from big data for human cognition. The conversion of data to knowledge is his main research field and he engages with the implementation of research findings in an industrial scale. For 8 years, he has been executing research on the codification of social norms and values accumulated via information and communication technologies. He implements his findings on urban mobility issues by handling big data and its analytics for understanding the mobility rhythms of city residents. Since 2014, he has been preparing a quarterly published report which presents Istanbul’s mobility scores and implications for the related parties.

Alptekin Uzel
Shareholder, Chief Technical Officer
Uzel is a computer engineer and alumnus of Bogazici University. He has international work experience as a software consultant/architect. His previous job was in Ericsson A.G., which he left to join the Trafipper team. He specialized in Python, R (statistical programming language), big data analytics and data visualization. Develops predictive machine learning models.

Orkun Pişirici
Shareholder, Chief Development Officer
Pişirici is a civil engineer and alumnus of METU (Middle East Technical Universtiy), Ankara, Turkey. After some years in a professional career as a hired engineer, he has been an entrepreneur for 20 years. He has initiated and developed businesses abroad, as well as in Turkey, and currently he is a board member of three companies which are in the construction and property development sectors. He is an expert in business development, networking and team building for successful business.

Dr. Murat Yücelen
Shareholder, Chief Strategy Officer
Yücelen specializes in corporate strategy and competitive analysis. He has a vast array of published research in the areas of competitive strategy, strategic decision making, organizational learning, corporate governance and knowledge management. He has performed consulting services and corporate training sessions at various companies and local government branches. He also has project management, leadership and teamwork experience based on his participation in a variety of successfully completed projects, including three European Commission funded multinational

Dr. Okan Tuna
Advisor to Board
Tuna has academic experience on logistics and supply chain management more than 25 years. He has also co-founded CNTR Inc., which provides container tracking services to more than 160 countries within the platform branded as cntracking.com. In addition, he is the coordinator of the Dokuz Eylul University Technology Transfer Office. He has experience in company commercialization and marketing.

Hüseyin Kuyumcuoğlu
Advisor to Board
Kuyumcuoglu has a degree as a computer engineer from Bogazici University, Istanbul. While working as a software programmer and consultant locally and internationally, he pursued a masters degree in the Department of Philosophy at Bogazici University. He is currently a PhD candidate at the Binghamton University, State University of New York, Department of Philosophy. Since 2018, he is part of the Trafipper team as a consultant for projects regarding social sustainability.